This spring there is supposed ? to be a cold spell 据推测那儿今年的春天会很冷。
This spring there is supposed to be a cold spell 据推测那儿的春天会很冷。
The pond ( was ) iced over during the cold spell 寒流期间池塘都封冻了
It looks as if we were in for a cold spell 看样子要过一段寒潮天气。
Don ' t worry ! the weatherman says we ' ll have a cold spell before the end of this week 别担心!天气预报员说,在这个周末之前,会有一阵子的冷天气。
A : don ' t worry ! the weatherman says we ' ll have a cold spell before the end of this week 别担心!天气预报员说,在这个周末之前,会有一阵子的冷天气。
This sudden cold spell has knocked the bottom out of the market for seasonal items like ice cream and suntan oil 突来的寒流使得一些季节性商品如冰淇淋和防晒箱等的销售锐减。
In the later 1600s , for a period of almost half of a century , a prolonged cold spell occurred in europe 十七世纪后期,欧洲地区被一个称为小冰河期的反常天气蹂躏了近半个世纪。
The weather forecast says there ' ll be a cold spell tomorrow , windy , and the temperature will fall to 7 below zero at the highest 天气预报说明天有寒流,刮风,气温会降到最高气温为零下7度。
When catering business stagnated , restaurants immediately adopted eating separately by dishes to survive the cold spell 在餐饮业一片萧条的气氛中,分餐制开始不约而同地成为商家救市的一项措施。